The aim of this meeting is to gather a group of mathematicians working on dynamical systems to discuss new developments in the area.
Jairo Bochi
Italo Cipriano
Godofredo Iommi
Jan Kiwi
Mario Ponce
School on orbit equivalence and related fields
The School on orbit equivalence and related fields is a meeting that will focus on orbit equivalence and different aspects from Topological Dynamics and Ergodic Theory.
The school will be oriented to graduate students and researchers, and the program will consist of mini-courses and talks.
It will be held from the 1th of december to the 5th of december 2014, at the Departamento de Matemática y Ciencia de la Computación of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Organizing Committee: José Aliste (Universidad Andrés Bello),
Daniel Coronel (Universidad Andrés Bello),
María Isabel Cortez (Universidad de Santiago de Chile),
Michael Schraudner (Universidad de Chile).
Remark: During the two weeks after the School, two other conferences will take place in Santiago: "Information and Randomness 2014" (from December 8th to 12th) and " Symbolic dynamics on (finitely presented) groups" (from December 15th to 19th).
Probabilistic and Dynamical Properties of (semi)-group Actions
C. Connell (Indiana University): Poisson boundaries for hyperbolic groups.
A. Karlsson (Royal Institute of Technology): A non commutative ergodic theorem and applications.
K. Simon (Technical University of Budapest): Hausdorff dimension and absolute continuity of invariant measures.
Tentatively, there will be eight one hour sessions for each mini-course as to cover the topics with relative calm and depth.
The registration for this meeting is available on the website
The organization has limited funds. Please fill in the registration form before November 15 if you are applying for financial support.
We hope to see you during this meeting
Andrés Navas
Univ. de Santiago de Chile
Jan Kiwi
PUC Chile
Godofredo Iommi
PUC Chile
LXI Coloquio de Sistemas Dinámicos
Estimados Colegas,
El Coloquio se alojará por primera vez1 en la ciudad de Valdivia. La idea, como siempre, es juntar a un grupo de matemáticos trabajando en sistemas dinámicos en Chile y sus alrededores. Queremos que el ambiente sea incluyente, de colaboración y propicio para discutir tanto resultados recientes como problemas y/o líneas de investigación en progreso.
Todos quedan desde ya más que invitados.
Aquellos interesados en hablar escribanle un correo a Eugenio Trucco
Nos vemos en Valdivia,
Comité Organizador: Jan Kiwi (PUC), Eugenio Trucco (U. Austral), y Carlos Vasquez (PUCV) .
1 Errata: esta sería la segunda vez que se hace un Coloquio en Valdivia, el primer Coloquio en Valdivia fue organizado por Jorge Billeke. Si alguien tiene mas datos: número, fecha, fotos y/o asistentes por favor enviarlos a los organizadores.
Dynamical Systems at Valparaíso
Dynamical Systems at Vaparaiso a satellite conference of the III CLAM is a meeting of researchers in dynamics and its aim is to discuss about recent advances in the area in a relaxed ambient, after the CLAM. The idea is to gather around 30 mathematicians interested in these topics and he main scheduled activities will be a limited number of talks in order to have plenty of time for informal discussions.
The meeting will be held at Instituto de Matematicas, of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile from September 7 to 11, 2009.
We invite everyone to participate.
If you are interested in coming please register at the web page.
For more information please write an e-mail to
We hope to see you soon in Valparaíso.
Maria Isabel Cortéz (USACH)
Jan Kiwi (PUC-Chile)
Juan Rivera-Letelier (PUC-Chile)
Bernardo San Martin (UCN)
Carlos Vásquez (PUCV)
Non-uniformly hyperbolic days
Description. Non-Uniformly Hyperbolic Days is a meeting that focuses on different aspects related to non-uniformly hyperbolic systems. We expect to gather 20 to 30 researchers on the subject to create a working atmosphere and to facilitate scientific interactions. The program will consist of mini-courses in the mornings, and usually one talk in the late afternoon, thus leaving time for discussions and collaboration. We will encourage informal seminars, and open problem sessions.
Pierre BERGER (CNRS-Paris 13)
Abundance of one-dimensional non-uniformly hyperbolic attractors for surface endomorphisms.
David DAMANIK (Rice)
Non-uniformly hyperbolic Schrödinger equations.
Ian MELBOURNE (Surrey)
Mixing and decay of correlations for non-uniformly hyperbolic flows.
We invite everyone to participate.
Registration. In order to give appropriate facilities we ask each participant to register before December 20 here.
Financial support. Limited funds are available to cover travel and/or living expenses. To apply please register before December 6 here.
Organizing Committee
Alvaro CORONEL – PUC, Chile
María Isabel CORTEZ – USACH, Chile
Groups and Dynamics II
Place: Sala de Seminarios, Citecamp (segundo piso), USACH.
Sebastíán Hurtado
U. California, Berkeley
Kathryn Mann
Univ. de Chicago
Andrés Navas
Cristóbal Rivas
Non-positive curvature, isometric actions, and dynamics of cocycles
The aim of this meeting is to gather together people from different mathematical communities that have been using similar techniques to deal with problems in different contexts and exploit further use of these methods. In this spirit, besides normal talks, we plan to have open problem sessions as well as four mini-courses of 4 hours each:
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Univ. Catholique de Louvain.
– Affine isometric actions.
– A crash course on SL(2,R) and Schrödinger cocycles.
– Livsic theory and cocycles, including cocycles of diffeomorphisms.
Rafael de la Llave, Georgia Inst. of Technology.
Organizing Committee:
Daniel Coronel, UNAB
Mickaël Crampon, USACH
Andrés Navas, USACH
Mario Ponce, PUC-Chile