Non-positive curvature, isometric actions, and dynamics of cocycles

aim of this meeting is to gather together people from different mathematical communities that have been using similar techniques to deal with problems in different contexts and exploit further use of these methods. In this spirit, besides normal talks, we plan to have open problem sessions as well as four mini-courses of 4 hours each:

– On the structure of group/actions on CAT(0) spaces. 
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Univ. Catholique de Louvain.

– Affine isometric actions. 
Alain Valette, Univ. de Neuchâtel. 

– A crash course on SL(2,R) and Schrödinger cocycles.
Raphaël Krikorian, École Polytechnique.

– Livsic theory and cocycles, including cocycles of diffeomorphisms.
Rafael de la Llave, Georgia Inst. of Technology.

Organizing Committee:

Daniel Coronel, UNAB
Mickaël Crampon, USACH
Andrés Navas, USACH
Mario Ponce, PUC-Chile

