Dynamical Systems at Valparaíso

Dynamical Systems at Vaparaiso a satellite conference of the III CLAM is a meeting of researchers in dynamics and its aim is to discuss about recent advances in the area in a relaxed ambient, after the CLAM. The idea is to gather around 30 mathematicians interested in these topics and he main scheduled activities will be a limited number of talks in order to have plenty of time for informal discussions.

The meeting will be held at Instituto de Matematicas, of  Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile from September 7 to 11, 2009.

We invite everyone to participate.

If you are interested in coming please register at the web page.

For more information please write an e-mail to valparaisoclam@gmail.com

We hope to see you soon in Valparaíso.

Organizing Committe

Maria Isabel Cortéz (USACH)
Jan Kiwi (PUC-Chile)
Juan Rivera-Letelier (PUC-Chile)
Bernardo San Martin (UCN)
Carlos Vásquez (PUCV)
