Dynamics in Dimension two

Dear Friends and Colleges 
It is a pleasure to announce our meeting which will be held between April 7 – 17 (2009) in Pucón (University of La Frontera, ITUR). This meeting will focus on several aspects of  two dimensional dynamical  systems. The idea is to gather around 30 mathematicians interested in these topics and to create a working atmosphere with plenty of time for informal talks and discussions. The main scheduled activities will be the following two minicourses, 

T. Jaeger (College de France): Periodic point free toral homeomorphisms, Circloids and the bounded mean motion preperty.

B. Wiest (Rennes 1): Nielsen-Thurston´s theory and applications.

Tentatively, there will be five  sessions for each mini-course as to cover the topics with relative calm and depth. 
If you are interested in participating in this meeting please contact mponcea@mat.puc.cl. 

We hope to see you during this meeting 

Andrés Navas

Mario Ponce
